Bartis Law Office, PLLC

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(603) 880-1300

Bartis Law Office, PLLC

Every person in New Hampshire has the right to defend themselves if another person is attempting to do physical harm to them or someone around them. While using force—especially deadly force—is always something that should be taken very seriously, and that may have a serious impact on your life, there are certain situations in which the State of New Hampshire will ensure your right to protect yourself or others without legal prosecution.

What are New Hampshire’s Self-Defense Laws?

According to RSA 627:4, New Hampshire permits certain acts of self-defense in certain contexts, which constitute a “justified use of force”. If you believe someone is going to unlawfully use force against you, or against a third person, you have the right to use as much force as is reasonably necessary to stop the assailant.

Do “Stand Your Ground” Laws Apply in New Hampshire?

New Hampshire is a “stand your ground” state, which means that in most cases, as long as you are not the initial aggressor and did not mutually agree to a fight, and so long as you are not trespassing, you do not have to flee and can actively defend yourself. There are some exceptions to this rule, but it is generally considered the status quo in most cases.

What is New Hampshire’s “Castle Doctrine”?

New Hampshire’s Castle Doctrine is based on the fact that you have a higher level of protection inside your home than you would in public. It essentially means that if your home is being broken into, and you reasonably believe that the intruder will use any degree of force against you or anyone else, you can use any degree of force—including deadly force—against them.

What is New Hampshire’s “Display of a Firearm” Policy?

New Hampshire law allows people to display firearms on their person to another person, for the purpose of warning away a person who represents a reasonable threat of serious bodily injury or death to yourself or to someone else. It cannot be considered reckless conduct or otherwise illegal in that context, so long as all of the conditions are met and not countered by more persuasive conditions.

I acted in self-defense and the other party was seriously hurt or killed. What do I do now?

First of all, don’t panic. It is relatively easy for law enforcement to confuse self-defense with a standard crime (from assault to murder). However, if you were truly acting in self-defense, the facts often bear out the necessary evidence, and there will be a way to prove your case.

However, in order to make that happen, you have to take the first step of contacting an experienced, knowledgeable defense attorney who is specifically well-versed in New Hampshire’s self-defense laws.

In Nashua, New Hampshire, the attorney to call for self-defense cases is Robert Bartis.

Who is Attorney Robert Bartis?

Attorney Bartis is a New Hampshire native, born and raised in Hollis. He is a graduate of Plymoth State College and the University of New Hampshire Law School. Throughout his life, he has served as both a Deputy Sherriff with the Hillsborough County Sherriff’s Department and a law professor at the New Hampshire Technical Institute, both of which are experiences that give him insight into the world of New Hampshire law. For over 20 years, Attorney Bartis has served the Nashua, NH community and brought his experience and knowledge to the table for his clients.

If you or a loved one are facing a case involving self-defense in Nashua, New Hampshire, call Attorney Robert Bartis today for a free consultation on your case.

Robert Bartis, Esq.

Contact For A Personalized Case Evaluation
(603) 880-1300