Bartis Law Office, PLLC

Call For A Personalized Case Evaluation

(603) 880-1300

Bartis Law Office, PLLC

Tragically, injuries can be catastrophic and severe enough to require an amputation. In recent years, Attorney Bartis has represented multiple individuals who lost limbs due to motorcycle/automobile crashes. During the course of those cases, Attorney Bartis has worked with clients and has come to learn not only of the physical loss, but also the psychological trauma that haunts clients. Learning the process of fitting prosthetics, the type of prosthetics, and the associated lifelong costs of replacement/upgrade materials and limbs has given Attorney Bartis a unique perspective in the industry. Through this, he has  generated a network of professional providers, counselors, and coaches to help the clients of Bartis Law Offices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Robert Bartis, Esq.

Contact For A Personalized Case Evaluation
(603) 880-1300