While they were initially marketed as a safer alternative to smoking, electronic cigarette, or vape devices, have become a fad and epidemic sweeping the country. While initially targeted at smokers trying to quit, devices like JUUL and other similarly trendy sources of nicotine vapor have aimed their sights on increasingly younger generations. With predatory flavors that include exciting and sweet-sounding names that resemble popular candies and fruits, it is no wonder why so many have fallen victim to complications resulting from excessive use.
E-Cigarette & Juul Lawsuits have been springing up around the country aimed at people who were mistakenly led to believe that E-cigarettes and JUULs were healthier than traditional smoking or did not carry the same risks. As time has progressed and the health repercussions have had time to develop, we now understand this to be false.
JUUL devices specifically have been found to be much more addictive and potent than traditional cigarettes. Due to the unique nicotine salt method of delivery, the potency of JUUL pods have been alleged to have an even higher potency than is allowed in a cigarette. With this disguised behind clever marketing and the fad culture in high schools and colleges nationwide, E-cigarettes have become commonplace. What many users do not know, however, is that one JUUL pod contains approximately the same amount of nicotine as is in an entire pack of cigarettes.
The lawsuits brought against JUUL claim that it should not have been introduced to non-smokers and may even make it more challenging to quit smoking traditional cigarettes. Couples with the predatory nature of the advertisement and social media influence, it quickly became a widespread endemic, introducing a younger generation to nicotine and getting countless new users hooked.
Finding a Vaping and E-Cigarette Lawyer to give you the facts of the situation, as well as the options available to you should be the first step anyone takes when looking for compensation for adverse health effects or conditions caused by vaping. Without proper guidance and support, you risk losing valuable time and money to pursue a solution yourself. If you suffer medically due to JUUL or any other form of vaping, it is critical to seek repayment for damages because medical bills can quickly become overwhelming. That being said, it is essential to seek a medical assessment soon because there may be conditions that worsen over time, leaving you with the repercussions of vaping for a significant length of time.
If you believe you have fallen victim to the predatory and misrepresented vape industry or specific brands like JUUL, call Bartis Law Office, PLLC, in Nashua, NH, to schedule your initial consultation. We will assist you with any concerns you may have or any questions to be answered. Once we discuss the details of your claim and validate the negative repercussions you have experienced, we will devise a plan on how to proceed in order to get you the recovery and compensation you deserve. Remember, it is never too early to seek assistance. Call Bartis Law Office, PLLC, today.

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